1. plan your daily activities, Build a crude time schedule for what you are planning to today, document it somewhere where it remains in focus.
2. document your meetings and publish meeting notes and action items
3. Keep your surrounding quite so that you are not causing disturbance for others, conference room is best place for meeting do not start taking in dev. hall until mandatory. use outside corridor for gossips and chitchats.
4. document and implement your ideas, because innovation is an outcome of creative ideas
5. be consistent, achieve your timelines or share the change of action
6. better to arrive on time, delayed arrival should have reason.
7. distribute your workload when required so that everyone feels himself as part of team.
8. be motivated, share whatever you want with management for catharsis
9. document all non-billable activities to keep a complete picture of your utilization
10. Take responsibility for the direction of your career. Ultimately you are responsible for creating an environment in which you can learn and grow. The longer you stay on a “dead-end” career path, the harder it will be to stay positive. If you are not happy with the current directions of your career, communicate that to your manager if you wish to stay with the company; otherwise, look for another job that you feel is a better match.
11. avoid distractions, noisy and congested work environment make it impossible to communicate with clients and concentrate on work, if you feel your surrounding are not bearable kindly inform HR.
12. Block websites, If you find yourself to be one of those people who can easily get distracted and spend lots of time on the web looking at anything but your work, then you may need some restraint. Getting a child website blocker or even some post-it reminders might help you stay focused and save those sites for your coffee break. Look online for some good, free open-source website blockers if you think it’ll help you get stuff done.
13. draw a simple road map before doing a code or QA, including what is to be done and how, I still do that and it helps me remembering reusability.
14. do not dive in and lost in code, try to reach on surface often to have a holistic view of the problem space.
15. and at last but not least work smartly, remember what you have done previously and how it can be utilized again and again.
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